+91 9899772424 Mon - Sat 10:00 - 20:00 712 GT Road Shahdara Delhi
+91 9899335858 Mon - Sat 10:00 - 20:00 27D Anand Industrial Area, Ghaziabad UP
+49 1590 8635842 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Kerpenerstrasse 71, 50937, Cologne, Germany
ISO 9001:2015
The Best
#1 Delhi NCR
Most Reliable
Supplier in region
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About Us

Assured Quality

We maintain a high quality check system and follow the set industry standards and test all our products multiple times to give you the best quality for your business.

Dedicated Service

We have earned our place and reputation in the market with our highly qualified, very experienced production team which is dedicated to supporting our clients.

Customer Satisfaction

We ensure customer satisfaction with customized products, support, timely delivery while forming and maintaining a relationship with the customer.

Innovative Techniques

We innovate our techniques and technologies constantly so we can provide the best services in every era while walking hand in hand with the fast-paced industry.

Adinath Enterprises

Adinath Enterprises was launched in 1994 by Mr. LK Jain. Eventually, our company turned into a family of committed professionals. It was our commitment that made us grow and become the leading manufacturing unit of Delhi NCR. With our state of the art technology and in-house tin plating plant, we are working hard for further expansion.


We provide cost-effective solutions to our clients due to our economies of scale.

Innovative Technology

An advanced manufacturing unit that follows all industry standards to ensure quality products.

Value to Customers

We provide timely delivery and services like custom designing to ensure your business is served right.

Adinath Enterprises

Adinath Enterprises is an ISO certified manufacturing unit headed by Mr.Abhinav Jain and Mr.Nikhil Jain. With their technical expertise, they made Adinath Enterprises India’s leading manufacturing unit with reliable machinery and a highly dedicated team.

We have earned our reputation in the market with our highly qualified, experienced production team dedicated to supporting our clients. They work continuously towards making our family stronger, our clients happier every day. The production team works hard to maintain our quality standards. Our team’s efficiency and well precise machines let our products speak for themselves and give us our place in the market as India’s leading manufacturing unit.

We have been recognized with several factory awards and certificates since 1994.